Author Topic: Update carried forward form AGM Thread 2016 and other matters.  (Read 9144 times)

Offline Majordad

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Update carried forward form AGM Thread 2016 and other matters.
« on: January 07, 2017, 11:51:00 pm »
We met up today and tried to come up with some answers to your posts on the AGM thread. You'll be glad to hear I think the two lads , Pascal and Anzdrzej have cracked it.

- We've a back log of about 20 Paypals to process, I kept these open this week so they could see them.  So be patient for a while please.

- There is a need to have EVERYBODY accept the indemnity and rules, today's meeting seemed to suggest we can do this without you needing to actually sign and scan/post it. Our plan is to include a dialog box which by clicking on when paying by PapPal means you also accept out rules and indemnity.

- The reason you need to tick the Imdemnity/Rules box is that we the committee are unpaid volunteers, we do not operate as a limited company so have little protection in law and are exposing ourselves to risk.

- Another reason is that we need a VALID and UP TO DATE email address so we can communicate with you. Without this you may be in the dark and not hear about events, visits, outings and drives. You would be surprised about the number of people who do not send us full details. It makes out job difficult or impossible.

- We like to know what your current Porsche is, it's a requirement to own or have the beneficial use of one to be a Full Member so let us know of changes. We're fairly relaxed on this, if you're between Porsche's we'll allow you to keep on your Full Membership to the end of the year.

FInally, if you're one of the twenty or so who have already paid by PayPal either scan and send us the indemnity form or next time you attend an event ask us for one and do it on the spot ( or help us by printing it off and bringing it along completed).

There are between 6-8 Committee Meetings per year. Next one should be circa last Saturday in January. If you want the committee to listen to a point you have let us know , ie before 27th Jan 2017 for the next meeting.

The list of 2017 Committee Members is on the Club Website, fell free to contact any of us at any time.

And if you have a skill that would be of benefit to the club and fellow members , and want to help out then let us know. There are many ways of being involved outside the committee.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 11:53:06 pm by General Dad »
"You hear that, do you hear that? 9000 rpm flat six son, nothing else  in the world sounds like that. I love the sound of a flat six in the morning. The sound you know that flat six sound. Sounds like victory  "